BioniQ broken screw remover set
A broken screw can be removed from the implant using a screw remover set. The QR screw remover set is suitable for removing the broken abutment screw of the blue QR prosthetic platform, the QN screw remover set is suitable for removing the broken abutment screw of the yellow QN prosthetic platform. Instructions for the removal of a damaged screw are available at
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Screw remover set BioniQ, QR, (threadformer, reverse drill, drill guide, claw drill, fragment remover and organizer)
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Screw remover set BioniQ, QN, (threadformer, reverse drill, drill guide, claw drill, fragment remover and organizer)
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Threadformer, QR
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Threadformer, QN
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Reverse drill, QR
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Reverse drill, QN
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Drill guide, QR
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Drill guide, QN
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Claw drill, QR
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Claw drill, QN
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