Esthetic abutments for cemented restorations
The gradual widening of the abutment base is constructed without sharp edges and separate surfaces and helps to create a fluent, continual emergence profile from the circular implant neck into the individually shaped crown. These abutments respect anatomical proportions and enable high esthetics and hygiene of the implant-supported restorations. The vestibular decrease of the abutment shoulder offers an opportunity to create outstanding red esthetics of semi translucent marginal gingiva in frontal region.
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SilverPlug – antibakterielles Verschlussmaterial für den Implantatschraubenkanal
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Pilares estéticos – rectos, QR/d3.9 – estrecho
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Pilares estéticos – rectos, QR/d5.2 – ancho
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Pilares estéticos – rectos, QN/d3.8 – estrecho
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Pilares estéticos – angulados, QR/d3.9/15° – estrecho
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Pilares estéticos – angulados, QR/d3.9/25° – estrecho
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Pilares estéticos – angulados, QR/d5.2/15° – ancho
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Pilares estéticos – angulados, QR/d5.2/25° – ancho
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