Temporary abutments
Temporary abutments with temporary crown can be used instead of the gingiva former to support anatomically optimal soft tissue shaping. Temporary abutments for the yellow prosthetic platform QN are available indexed or non-indexed, in two gingival heights. Temporary abutments for the blue prosthetic platform QR are available indexed, bridge and non-indexed, in two gingival heights.
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SilverPlug – antibakterielles Verschlussmaterial für den Implantatschraubenkanal
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Pilares temporales, QR/d4.0 – indexado
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Pilares temporales, QR/NI/d4.0 – no indexado
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Pilares temporales, QR/B/d4.0 – puente
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Pilares temporales, QN/d3.8 – indexado
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