Gingiva formers
Titanium gingiva formers are used for optimal shaping of the soft tissues around the future crown and formation of the sealing mucosal cuff.
Hybrid restorations usually require narrow gingiva formers and cemented solo implants, narrow or wide gingiva formers depending on the anatomical conditions. When treating significantly disparallel implants or an extensive screw-retained restoration, a bridge gingiva former B often represents a suitable solution.
The gingiva formers are color-coded in accordance with the color of the prosthetic platform.
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Gingiva formers – narrow, QR/d4.2
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Gingiva formers – narrow, QN/d3.9
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Gingiva formers – wide, QR/d5.2
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Gingiva formers – wide, QN/d4.6
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Gingiva formers – extra wide, QR/d7.0
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Gingiva formers – bridge, QR/B/d4.9
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